Snapshot: Last Summer

One of the best times of my life was no more than a few days - at the most, a week. I moved from my shared summer apartment for my senior year apartment. It was only me living there for a few days. When I first got there, I put all my stuff in the living room and went through everything, organizing, and throwing stuff away. It felt really good to have a trash-bag load of stuff to get rid of. Then I put everything away and the apartment was so tidy and was very minimal. It was well organized and I had my little decorations. For a few days, it was my personal space. (Not that I didn't love having roommates later on, but it's just nice having your own space for a short period of time!)

Me dead after moving all my stuff in by myself!

I was frequenting pasadena during that summer and I would often go to Lush. I had a good amount of products from there and I would indulge in the occasional bath bomb. That special week I remember using it and smelling so lovely. The shower was clear of any products because Lush made my beauty supplies on the smaller side and it was put away well. 

Soap from the lovely Lush!

I was often going to the farmers market and had delicious, fresh food to eat. I would wake up and make a breakfast of grapes, tomatoes with cashew cheese (one of the best foods ever!) and a biscotto. I sat at my couch and used my little table while watching a tv show in the nice solitude. 

Doesn't this look divine?
Then I had a really good friend who would come and hang out with me. He would practice in my special sanctuary, work on his English, laugh with me, keep me company through the night. Also, part of this special time I was doing choir camp and I would sneak out cookies for him. 

It was all very lovely. I can’t wait to have my own place again. 

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