My Skin Story + Natural Products

For this blog post, I thought that I would share my skin story, my challenges, my transformations, and my current products. I will also speak about how my plant-based diet has helped my skin.

From my choir tour before my skin got crazy

Through middle school and high school I was a lucky one. I never had to deal with any skin issues except for an occasional pimple and blackheads on my nose (my least favorite thing ever!!!)

My first three years at college (age 17-21) were also very similar. Maybe a few more blackheads elsewhere but overall very good. Then, last summer, everything changed . . . 

Last May I went on a choir tour around Oregon/Washington/Vancouver B.C. After returning from this trip, I discovered a breakout on the side of my cheeks on both sides - something I've never experienced before. (Usually my "breakouts" are on the chin, around the lips.) This kind of freaked me out and I started using Clinique products and this did not help very much. I was in the sun and the pool a lot too so this probably did not help matters (though I'm pretty sure I was using an SPF 15 BB Cream). And then . . . things got even worse. 

Right before school started, we had a week of "choir camp" in which we take the whole day to start learning songs since the choir was completely off-book during concerts. This was a load of fun and I was happy to hear that they would be providing breakfast, lunch, and dinner from the dining hall (I didn't have any money so this was music to my ears). At the time, I was not vegan - I have been vegetarian for years but I was not fully committed to Vegan yet (uneducated). So there I was, stuffing my face with all the free food from the school cafeteria. The food there did not appear to be bad, but it was the cafeteria so I should have known!! Looks are deceiving!! My skin got worse. (Also, I must add that I was trying new skin products from Lush)

Choir Rehearsals
Ok, my situation was not horrible - there are people who have it way worse than me. But it was significant to a person who had almost perfect skin at the time. I know it wasn't all in my head because my boyfriend at the time would point it out to me (not in a mean way, he is very honest). I considered that this new breakout may have been a result of hormonal changes since turning 21, but I'm sure a mixture of factors contributed. Since this period, I've been really trying to fix the situation.

It was looking kind of bad in the Spring. (Worse on profile view but I couldn't find any pictures)

Around the time of the bad breakout, I switched to all-natural products, and I think that has been a bit helpful (but not as much as I would like . . .) I normally buy cleansers from Lush. My favorite is Angels on Bare Skin. At the moment I am using Dark Angels but it is drying me out. I also tried Herbalism and it is not working as I would like it to. When I am able to go to Lush again, I am going to purchase Angels on Bare Skin. It has such a cleansing and cleaning feel to it. At the moment I am also using a moisturizer that I bought from a homemade cosmetics store in Carlsbad.
*Note: My sister and I both really love the Let the Good Times Roll cleanser, and there is a review of it here.

My moisturizer - It's a "Nourishing Night-Cream Anti-Aging" from Botanicals by the Sea in Carlsbad. Has Rosehip Oil and smells very lovely.
This is a cleanser that I sometimes use

The reason I decided to post this today was because lately, I've been looking in the mirror and feeling happy. I have been feeling so beautiful without makeup. I still have tiny pimples left over and the blackheads are still present (how do I get rid of these?!?!) But things have been clearing up significantly. I am very confident that this has to do with my current plant-based diet. I am really trying to eat as clean as I can, and it is paying off. Though beauty products are great, nothing will make you as beautiful as eating a diet in which you eat from the Earth (+ lots of water). 

Some spots are freckles and some are imperfections. Even so, I am happy :)

I still have a way to go (does anyone have advice about the blackheads?!?!?) but at this moment I am content! 

I would really like to know if anyone has any experience with beauty products that have improved the skin. There is not much I tried - Neutrogena in middle school/high school; Clinique for a brief period; and Lush cleansers. 

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