Minimalist-ish ~ My Desk

Today is Wednesday and its been gloomy, stormy, and cloudy here in Southern California. Its been a big surprise! It is still boiling hot outside, but my family keeps the house very, very cold so it's been feeling like fall. I know everyone has their ways to feel cozy and for me, at the moment, it's been through watching French movies and listening to Edith Piaf. I feel so romantic and artistic (but really it just makes me really want to go to Paris). I've been considered working on my French . . . Is it bad to work on three languages at the same time?

Today, I decided to dedicate this whole week to speaking about my minimalist efforts because I have been really happy with the changes! One of the main reasons I am trying to downsize is because I have a big move coming up. The scary thing is, I don't yet know where. I have two graduate school applications being processed right now. I really hope that one of the schools accept me. If either one does, then I will be moving far away from Southern California to one of the two big, wonderful, cities. Even this scares me because I know once I will get the acceptance, I will have to move really quickly to find a place to live and a job. I wish I knew now so I can start planning!

Though a bit scared, I am really anxious for new adventures!

All minimalists seem to emphasize the importance of cleaning up space in order to facilitate a productive working environment. I definitely require an increase in productivity, so I figured that making me desk are conducive place to work would be an essential step. I then decided to remove everything that was not essential to my work or did not make me happy. I will go into detail with this for each picture:

This first picture is an overview of the whole desk. I wanted to keep the desk almost completely clear. What is on it are some things that make me really happy and things that I am regularly grabbing for. The two stacks of books are the sides are frequently used. I would prefer to have them stored somewhere but I do not have much storage in my room. But their presence is still lovely and reminds me to stay productive. The stool I am using is not the most comfortable but it tucks away nicely.

Here are close ups of the items. My Portuguese book and language learning notebooks . . .

My passport, my favorite thing I bought from Sweden (aren't these so cute?), and my cup of pens and pencils. I worked hard to throw out all dead pens and pencils and to only leave in ones that worked.

Here is my planner, diary, important notebooks, and my Harry Potter book in Italian that I am translating. On the top is my headphones.

The insides of the desk drawers are not perfect but I worked hard to cut down the contents. The side drawer seems kind of crowded, but everything is well organized, and everything I need in regards to office supplies and odd tools are in it.

This drawer has some important things that I can easily grab and is a safe place for my baton (for conducting). Before this it was filed with papers that I threw away. There are a few different types of sticky notes and pads of paper in here - I frequently use them to make lists and keep organized!

That is everything in my desk! The last drawer to the bottom right contains my beauty and hygiene items since there is no room in my bathroom.

The next part of my room that really needs to be sorted and downsized is all of my notebooks and papers (mostly left over from school). I probably won't feature this on my blog, but a minimalist youtube (I don't remember who) gave the great idea to digitize everything. I can't believe I haven't thought of this before! My plan is to organize everything into categories and then scan it into files. Then I can keep all of the documents and information without having it take up space. In addition to this, I will be able to carry the useful information with me to my new city. (For example, I will have a file for music theory, music history, orchestration notes, etc.) I am happy I have time off in the summer to work on this.

Thank you for reading, if anyone has minimalist tips, I would love to hear them.

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