Boring Stories: a Return to Bristol

I've been absent enjoying my holiday but now I am back to blogging! I will have many new adventures to share and some exciting products to talk about.

I will share some stories from my time so far in Bristol.

Traveling is not always glamorous... My flight was delayed and the ten hour ride there wasn't the most pleasant - my ankles were swelling and I had trouble sleeping in that little seat of the plane. I didn't bring toothpaste so I felt gross on the way back to Bristol and I had so little money. There was this face cleanser I really wanted and the lady discounted the price so much for me but I only had enough money to pay for my bus ride home!

The journey home was very, very long. I only had coins left and was paying for my food with coins (I lost my U.K. bank card because of some drama on the flight to LA and I wasn't able to sort out my new one because it was Sunday and the bank was closed). Monday I was so jet-lagged. I was living as a zombie. I zombied my way down to Tesco and tried to buy a bag of crisps and some clementines. I didn't end up having enough but the cashier was nice enough to give me a discount and saved me from starving!

Beautiful Bristol
I was really discouraged when I didn't see my bank card in my mailbox. But what started as a bad day became a good one as I found my card in a stack of "to be retuned" mail (they didn't have my flat number), and I did some things that were important, shopped a bit, an got to fall asleep at a good hour.

Tuesday I shopped too much at Lush and some other shops. The Lush Valentines range is so beautiful! And I found these beautiful shoes on sale fo£11! 

What do these remind you of?? Haha
Today is a new day and I have lots to do. Sorry these stories are so boring but here is a realistic picture of traveling - haha - next posts will be more glamorous (I hope...)

I had a delicious vegan pie!

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