What do I want?

January has felt like a fresh start for a few reasons. I've moved back to Bristol after a long holiday back in California, I got my deposit of my student loans, I have new exciting classes (and it always feels good to end classes and start new ones fresh), I've dedicated myself to making more money, and I put some things forward and some things behind me.

California Beach. But ready for some Mediterranean adventures!

This fresh start has made me really think about what I want for this new year and for the next few years of my life.

1. Travel

I know this is the song everyone sings, but I am ready for more adventures. I have two goals:

- To Go to Uncommon Places

Everyone always goes to Paris, Rome, London . . . but what about Luxembourg, Malta, and Morocco?

- Go to WARM places

I realized that everywhere I have ever traveled (out of country) has been to COLD places!! I think I deserve a beach! I want to be on the beach in Monaco dressed as Grace Kelly, and swim in the Mediterranean. This is my dream!

2. Find a PhD program

I've always wanted to be a doctor and I would like to find a place to study to become a Doctor of Music. I really hope this will work out in the near future. I'm looking into a few places in England.


3. Create Multiple Sources of Income

I heard this advice from a YouTuber (Zoe Arielle) and it makes a lot of sense. I want to be able to support myself and have many creative and work-focused outlets. I also hope to social media becomes a large part of this.

I'm working hard on my instagram!! Follow me!!!
These are the three main things I have been contemplating. Can anyone relate?

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