Summer Reset

My first summer as a post-graduate has been very strange but very wonderful.

- Wonderful because I feel like this is a brand new start in my life. All my affairs in regards to my undergraduate studies are sorted. I have the degree, I learned loads, and I graduated! Though there is lots of challenges and journeys ahead of me, everything of my past is behind me, all of the strings are cut, and I can now go now in any direction. It's an interesting feeling.

- In contrast, there have been difficulties. I do not yet know my next steps, and I wish I did. I am currently searching for my next place to be, and I haven't had the best luck so far. I applied to two very great schools and ended up rejected from one and on the wait list of the other. I thought my applications, compositional submissions, and interviews were very strong, so I don't really know what happened. I am guessing that it is a mixture of: 1. The ones who were accepted were even stronger than me. 2. I am not meant to be in those two places. I believe that number two is correct, and the place I am meant to be will reveal itself very soon!

The first page of my opera.
This has been my main submission for post-graduate school. 

- Last, it will be strange not to be surrounded by the people that I was surrounded by for my college years, and that it a sad thought! Though, I am sure the friends that matter will stay with me!

Are your friends from college the ones that have stayed persistently in your life?

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