Vegan Cleanse/Goal Empowerment: Day 3

This morning I woke up with more energy, though . . . I did't get out of bed until 9:00am . . . Oh well! I made my breakfast smoothie and did only some light exercise because I was a bit soar from yesterday's trampoline endeavor. It seems I take so long to drink these smoothies - probably because they are so fiber dense - but I like the slow mornings. I was happy to fit some mango into this week! This smoothie was quite tart, but still good.

Blueberries, Kale, Mango, Chia Seeds, and Plum!
I went off too working from 10:00am-12:00pm, as planned. I definitely accomplished a lot in regards to my graduate school applications. I completed a lot that needed to be completed. I am actively applying to grad schools and I hope this day will lead me to success.

For lunch I wanted to go towards a more green smoothie so I added both Kale and Asparagus with banana and nectarine. In this smoothie I tasted the banana a lot and it didn't feel the best on my stomach because I think the banana was not the best and the nectarines are getting old. (The banana is black because it was frozen). Even so, I was feeling a lot of good energy today. When I was sitting at my desk working, there were no sleepy/drowsy feelings. Now even, (8:00pm), I feel energized and guilty for sitting in bed writing this and watching YouTube.

I got my thirty minutes of sun time and then relaxed and watch YouTube a while. I found a load of vegan YouTube channels and there is one that I particularly love (That Vegan Couple) and watching them has been relaxing and inspiring! I worked on languages only for a bit. I wasn't really into it today. I don't know if the 3:00pm-5:00pm timeframe is good for productive study. I disturbed that time to make a DELICIOUS smoothie.

This was made of dark chocolate cocoa powder, organic penut butter, oats (that I added later, I wanted more substance), almond milk, grapes, and a banana. This mixture sounds weird but this smoothie was excellent!! I know chocolate is not the best but sometimes it settles my stomach (not sure why). And this one is unsweetened so the sweetness came from the banana and grapes.

I've been kind of lazy after this. I think the plans for the night are to watch Sherlock or a movie and maybe study some more. I ate some small tomatoes because I was hungry and I will probably eat more fruit if I get hungry again.

One more note! I had one cheat because my mom bought Vegan marshmallows, and I have never tried them before!!!! I am so excited, they taste like the real thing!! Can't wait to enjoy them proper!!

One last note: You are probably wondering if I have cravings and yes, I do. I've wanted some rice and beans like mad. I know that sounds boring but I've been watching a lot of vegan videos (like I said before) and they have really simple dishes with rice/beans/fruit/veg and I am mad with desire! Well, not that mad. I'm holding up! I don't mind this disciplined week. But I will be happy when Saturday comes.

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