Vegan Cleanse/Goal Empowerment: Day 2

Today was kind of strange . . .
And not at all to plan. 

I woke up later than I should have. This morning I was just feeling very tired, and my bed was feeling really nice so I slept until about 9:30am. Then I found out that my plans were changing!

I made breakfast: a smoothie of asparagus, a nectarine, strawberries, blueberries, chia seeds, and peanut butter protein powder. It was delicious! I then started to clean the house (one of my jobs) until my cousin came to pick me up! 

I went with my young cousin to go to a trampoline park for about 90 minutes or more! I don't know why, but trampoline jumping is a proper workout - my heart was pumping! It was nice to have a good long session of cardio, and to hang out with my cousin. 
(By the way, before I went, I made another similar smoothie to raise up my calories). 


My cousins mom took us to a health food store afterward and I picked up some mango and kale for the week. I also got a divine smoothie there - it was a few fruits/veggies (don't remember), dates, and almond butter. It was very filling and a great flavor. 

When I got home, I finished cleaning the house and then I really just died. I was quite tired. I think as a result of an active day and time with my crazy cousin. 

So, I didn't mark every part of my list, but the day was active, fun, and still productive. 

It is quite easy only drinking smoothies, but at night time, my cravings increase and I want things like . . . rice . . . veggie burgers . . . hummus . . . mmm

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