Vegan Cleanse/Goal Empowerment: Day 5

Again . . . I woke up too late. I think I really need to work on my sleep schedule. For breakfast, I made a yummy fruit smoothie (Cherries, Blueberries, Mango!). I did my makeup (the first time all week . . .) because I have a job later and I need to take this time to prepare for that job.

Look at this color!!
I did take my productive time well and I think I will skipped my sun time to work on more important things. I made a lesson plan for my new piano student. I am proud of the work I did - its fun being creative for simple musical things. Then I made another good smoothie and I have some time in my lunch left and I am trying to complete things. My doggy is followed me around everywhere. I felt a bit tired.

(I forgot to take the cutting board picture!! This smoothie contains banana, oats, cocoa powder, blueberries, and grapes.)

I then sorted out a lot for a possible job interview and relaxing before my student came. I watched Reign - a great show! I really need to catch up on my Netflix shows. I wasn't feeling hungry but I was tired which probably meant that I needed to eat more but I was too lazy - haha. The piano lesson went well. It is nice to work again.

Overall, it wasn't the most exciting week food-wise. I'm not unhappy because the food is unfulfilling and not satisfying me, its just a bit tiring eating the same thing day after day! I am Italian, I like food!

Why I would recommend this diet:

If you are looking to find a cleanse that will lead you to healthier eating I think this is good because it forced me to clean out everything bad and focus on fueling myself with fruits/vegetables which I will focus on more when I am regular Vegan.

Why I wouldn't:

It can be dangerous because the true way to health is a very calorie-dense diet and I tried to eat a lot but I will not be healthier unless I incorporate more thins like rice and beans. If you are planning to do this just to lose weight and then go back to eating unhealthy, I would say no. Also, if you are not really careful with what you are putting into your body, then no.

Thanks for joining me this week!

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