Natural Beauty - Lush Moisturizer

I got this Lush product this past November, and I have to say, its one of my favorite all-natural products. It works really well!

I must start by telling the story of how I got this product. When I was in Norway in November, I spent some time walking around the city center by myself. I wanted to stop in the Lush shop to see if there were different products than they have in America. There were a few differences, I recall. I got to talking to the girl working at the shop. She started asking me a question in Norwegian and I answered with embarrassment as I always did, "Do you speak English?" We chatted for a bit about Lush and why I was in Norway, and she helped me find a good bath bomb (I wanted to find one for my stay at the hotel in London.) I bought my products, and to my surprise, she gave me some free gifts! Included was Ultrabalm. It was such a pleasant surprise. 

From the Bath Bomb!

The shop worker, and online it says that the product is all-purpose. I primarily use it as a hand cream because at certain times of the year, my hands get very, very dry. I put a good amount on my hand and spend some time rubbing it in (its a bit greasy, but absorbs in time and feels really lovely). Once it is absorbed, my hands feel much better and the moisturized, soft feeling maintains. 

Can you tell it lived in my backpack for a whole semester?

Because its multi-purpose, I think it is a very good product to have on hand. I haven't used it for much more than my hands, but I'm confident that it would work great in other arias. The shop worker said it could be a highlighter and online on a video, the creator of the product says it can work in your hair to smooth it down, eyebrows, and works kind of like Vaseline. 

It lasts for a little under a year - I think I have a few good months of use left (It is July and November would hit the year mark). One of the things I love the most about it is that it is an all-natural product with only three ingredients - Jojoba Oil, Candelilla Wax, and Rose Wax. The smell of the product may put some people off, but I think it smells pleasant. I feel like the Rose sent is the one that maintains.

I will definitely repurchase!

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