Throwing My Name into the Universe

Today was a weird day. I woke up early and studied a lot and the day was rather productive. I worked on music theory in the morning and my languages later in the day. I am using the app Duolingo (review to come) and currently trying to translate Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows from Italian. This is a much harder task than I anticipated! I don't know how people become fluent in a second language without living in the country. I am working hard but I feel so slow . . . frustrating! I am determined though! Does anyone have any language learning tips?

In the middle of the day I took a big nap and it was just strange because here I am sitting on my bed, close to going to sleep again and I feel like the day went by in five minutes.

One of the greatest things to check of my list today was the submission of a graduate school application. I thought by now I would know my next step in regards to the coming fall semester . . . and even what to do with myself in general . . . but nothing has yet sorted. So today I sat down, completed the application, and sent my name into the universe, hoping someone will read it and decide that I am worthy to come and learn and experience. I hit send on a webpage that had black and white characters to represent me. And maybe that black and white page will send me far away to another state or another country and I will meet new people and figure out how to make my career! Please pick me!

Wish me luck.

This is a inspirational quote in Portuguese I found.
It says something like: Do not give up on that which you can't go a day without thinking of. 

On a random note, I am currently addicted to Tetris.

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