My First Kiss

Kissing is an interesting thing . . . for the longest time I had a fantasy in my head of what it would be like. I would often have dreams about kissing and emotions and romance is always amplified in dreams. In movies the kiss is the most important action to signify that yes! The characters are meant to be together! I had my first kiss kind of later than most people, and it was an interesting experience.

I was 21 when I had my first kiss. I was in a relationship before but didn't kiss him (maybe I'll talk about this later). Last summer, I started dating this guy that worked with me. We became friends quickly and then I let myself fall into this new relationship. I had doubts because I was worried about getting in a serious relationship again, but he is a great guy, so it was worth it.

One night we were watching a movie in my summer apartment and I finally decided to be a normal girl and go for the kiss. It took me a while to get there. I am not the type of girl to be aloof and mysterious so I totally communicated with him what I was feeling and my fear and the whole thing was funny and awkward. So I just went for it, kissed his lips, and I thought it was . . . weird.

The kiss didn't contain all of the crazy feelings that I was imagining. It was just kind of a strange thing to my body. I think this is so funny because of how much emphasis society puts on the kiss. I wasn't in love with him when this happened. I was really liking him as a person, but it was really early on when we kissed. Months later, I did fall in love, and kissing was such a different feeling. There is a great contrast to kissing for no reason, and doing and endeavoring in an act with someone you deeply care for. A kiss in this state of being speaks more loudly.

So maybe I am crazy for not really liking kissing. It makes me wonder how people enjoy kissing random strangers! Has anyone had an experience similar to mine? Let me know!

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