Something Personal

I am really stressed out right now. I am trying to make my postgraduate school decisions and I feel really pressed by deadlines and financial burden. I don't have any money which makes it really difficult. My biggest fear is that I won't get in anywhere. I am really scared.

I got into a wonderful school but if the finances are not sorted, I can't go.

I have an interview with another great school that I would attend in the spring, but my biggest fear is not getting accepted.

I think I was irresponsible with these schools because I was focused on two other schools and this worried me. But honestly, I don't really know what I am doing. I learned a lot now! But I never knew applying for colleges and sorting all of this out would be so complicated.

I just hope and pray that I can go somewhere.

Right now on top of this I am feeling a bit ill. I really hope I can sort all this out soon so that I may find peace! If I go to the first school, I will have to move there really soon, ut I don't mind that adventure! The logistical things are what is scaring me - not the action itself. I think it would be really cool to pack up and go to a new city. I hope it works out.

My new school . . . maybe?

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