A Lush Movie Night

After using Lush for about a year, I finally had five empty pots to trade in for a face mask! This was much needed after the stressful times I've been dealing with preparing for my move to England. My sister and I went out yesterday so that I may sort things out for my visa and we took the opportunity to visit Lush Cosmetics afterward. My sister and I were looking for a mask that would help with dry skin and I was able to try two masks in the shop - BB Seaweed and Oatifix. Oatifix was more softening but we were more attracted to BB Seaweed.

The mask was really refreshing - it was kind of itchy but I liked the results. My dry patches are not completely healed yet but I feel like it cleared my skin - my blackheads looked clearer.

Acting Silly

We accompanied this night with a good Italian dinner of spaghetti, homemade sauce, and delicious Bruschetta!

100% Vegan and DELICIOUS

For the movie night we watched Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them! I love this movie it is so creative. The first time I saw it was actually in a Norwegian cinema!

It was a good night and I am excited to use the mask again.

(P.S. Victoria come over so you can use some)

1 comment:

  1. Aw sounds such a perfect evening! I've never tried a Lush mask before but I'd love to! :D xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara
    (I have a little Chip cup giveaway and following back on bloglovin!)


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