Big Changes

I wanted to write this blog post as an update on my life: big changes coming up, why I have been busy, and the reason I haven't been posting on time!!

If you read my previous posts you will know that I have been applying to postgraduate schools in order to continue my education in music composition. I was offered a place at a school and I had to take it. I've always wanted to live abroad, so I had to say yes to studying a year at the University of Bristol (England).

It's been a rush trying to sort everything out from 8 hours away. I've had a lot of a late nights and early mornings answering emails. I am currently stressed out about the visa situation but I have faith that it will work out. I will be leaving in about 10 days! So crazy! I have my own room and bathroom in a flat and I am packing up all of my winter clothes with hopes that I won't freeze in the contrasting climate of sunny, sunny, (too sunny), California.

Its scary to think about starting work again after all this time off but I am looking forward to being busy again. My greatest hope is to save money and go on weekend trips to countries I've always wanted to visit - like Italy!!

Off I go very soon, and I will blog about it on the way. I hope for the best for this new adventure! I hope its the right choice in the story of my life.

- TL

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