My First Days in U.K.

3:15 PM
I've been neglecting my blog because of this stressful move to England! But now I am here and feeling good! I will try to write more regular again but I don't yet know how busy I will be. 

I am tired now, but I am going to write a bit about my experiences so far. 

1. I presumed that challenged would come up in regards to living in a different country but strangely, the only real uncomfortable thing is grocery shopping. I think our home grocery stores are a comfort and easy - its been hard finding what I like and want to buy in the new stores. It is hard to describe... I think a culture difference mainly. 

2. Starbucks is way different here! I couldn't find my favorite vegan cheese puffs, hippeas!!!

3. Confession: I usually don't know which way the cars are supposed to be coming from... I usually just glance both ways and sometimes look very stupid. (Oh well.)

4. Confession: Apart from the first day I arrived... I've been to Primark every day... (worth it). 

5. It's not been as cold as I thought and the rain is very light which is pleasant. 

6. This is a beautiful city with character with each building and in every corner. 

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