My Sugaring Experience (Hair Removal)

Self-care comes in many different forms. Some people like to get their nails done, some people change their hair color, some get a spray tan. For me, I've always wanted to try waxing. I heard about sugaring a while ago and it caught my interest. Sugaring is a hair removal method that claims to be more gentle, safer, more sanitary, and better for the skin than waxing. A simple google search can provide a list of all of the benefits. Of course I was afraid of the pain that comes with the process, but I decided to go for it. So far I have tried three different procedures.

Sugaring is hair removal with heated sugar mixed with lemon and hot water that removes hair and does not stick to the skin. Aloe Vera is applied afterward to soothe the skin.


I absolutely hate shaving. My hair grows very fast and shaving to me seems to hold no purpose. Also, razors can be expensive and I don't always feel like putting in the time to shave every day! I was very happy to try sugaring for my whole leg. This was the first procedure I tried. Most of the leg did not hurt very much. The areas that had thicker hair had a bad sting, but the pain is bearable.

Afterward, since it was my first time, my legs didn't feel perfectly smooth, but the hair was gone. My legs were tingly for a bit after the process. Now, four weeks later, the hair is barely growing in. There are some long hairs throughout and I believe that they were hairs that were not yet grown out when I had the process done in the first place. I will definitely get this done again!


Everyone knows how shaving the underarms are a big risk for irritation. Because of this, I was really excited to get them sugared. I let my hair grow pretty long (I know, so gross, but I live in a cold climate so I'm always wearing long sleeves). Sugaring here is quite painful as this is a sensitive area. I will not say that it didn't hurt. But the stinging only lasts for a few seconds, and each armpit takes only about one minute to do. They look very good now and are very soft.


I went a little crazy and removed all of the hair down below . . . I don't know if it is so at every salon, but this one, Hollywood is one step more than Brazilian. All the hair gets removed. First, it was weird being (almost) naked in front of a stranger, but not as weird as I expected. I got over it. Second, it was very painful. I've never been waxed down there and my hair is very thick. I hate shaving so this is something I wanted to do for a very long time. The process does not take very long and some areas hurt more than others. The lady was very kind with me and made sure not to stay in one area too long (because the repeating of the rip was very painful). I was laughing at own pain throughout the process.

I am being honest that it hurts, but the pain only lasts for a few seconds. Because of this, and because it will last longer than shaving, I think the process is worth it. Also, the lady at the salon said that the first time is always the worse and that the hair will grow back thinner. This is comforting to know if I go again in the future. I say, if you are interested, go for it! Be brave! The less hair there is there, the easier it is. I know this because when there were barely any hairs left, it did not really hurt. Now it is pretty smooth there. There are a few hairs left over but she said she didn't want to hurt my skin and that I should take care of it another day. I think I will go back.

I don't know how long the Hollywood and Underarm treatment will last because I just got them today, but if you are interested, I will post an update.

This is my sugaring experience, and I highly recommend. I am so happy not to buy razors anymore. I know it may not seem worth it because of the price - I've seen very expensive salons. But the place I go to is very reasonable so look around and find the perfect place for you!

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